Saturday, October 30, 2021

Documentary Video

Name of the Competition: Documentary Video-The Values of Mahatma Gandhi

First Position

S. Muthu Mari(II B. Sc.Mathematics Aided)

Second Position

N. Bavithra(II B. Sc. Mathematics Aided)

Third Position

R.Selvalekshmi(II B. Sc. Mathematics Aided)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Power point Presentation- Winners

Ozone-Friendly products: A heal to our mother Earth

Congratulations to all the participants and the Winners!!!

First Position

E.Lincy-I M. Sc. Mathematics

Second Position

A. Shali Belinda(I B.Sc. Mathematics Aided)

Third Position

A. Poornima-II M. Sc. Mathematics

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Intercollegiate Fest-Analyikha-21

     The following are the competitors representing Intercollegiate Fest-Analyikha-21 organized by St.Joseph's College(Autonomous),Tiruchirapalli on 22.10.2021


Name of the Student

Class & Major

Name of the Event


V. Vaishnavi

I B. Sc. Mathematics(Aided)



A.Shali Belinda

I B. Sc. Mathematics(Aided)

Just A Minute


S.R. Shimony Rathna Kumari


III B. Sc. Mathematics




Papyrus-Paper Presentation


P. Anu Preethi


C. Aishwarya Bhanu

I B. Sc. Mathematics(Aided)

Kapture-Photography Competition

The Department Congratulated all the participants!!! 

Special Lecture